Now that the GOP has lost its slight edge in the State Senate, Democrats are following the way of Gov. Inslee and the State House when it comes to variety of topics.
This week the Clean Energy Bill championed by Gov. Inslee passed the Senate by a vote of 28-19 and will now head to the House, where it's expected to pass...
Pacific Power officials are working with the Walla Walla County Sheriff's department to find out who the people are that stole copper grounding wire from two substations near Wallula.
Authorities say the theft was discovered March 28th, at the substation located on Dodd road between Railex and and Sundance roads...
It's. Been. HOT! But you knew that. But you may not have know that the Bonneville Power Administration's record for peak summertime electricity consumption three days in a row! Due to temperatures in Portland and the surrounding areas being over 100, the air conditioner use has skyrocketed, hence, a LOT of power being used...
PUD is expecting to have problems with power outages with the icy weather we are expected to get this weekend according to news reports. When ice builds up on trees and power lines, it can cause major outages that last for days. Ice on roadways is also a problem with cars hitting poles and making it hard for crews to make repairs in a timely fashion...
An ambitious plan to install floating offshore wind turbines near Coos Bay, Oregon has stalled, although the company trying to do it has not formally withdrawn their proposal.
Every now and then there will be a flurry of news reports from sources outside the mainstream media, about military-like buildups of government agencies that have no association with national security. Then, the subject is forgotten.