
Medical Pot Database Delays Could Cost Patients Thousands, Get Them Arrested
Medical Pot Database Delays Could Cost Patients Thousands, Get Them Arrested
Medical Pot Database Delays Could Cost Patients Thousands, Get Them Arrested
Part of I-502, the initiative that legalized recreational marijuana, included so-called reforms for the medical marijuana industry. Now, some of those plans, including creating a database of users, could cost patients a lot of money, and given new regulations, perhaps even get them in legal trouble for their pot use.
Court Rules Washington Pharmacies Must Dispense Plan B Birth Controls
Court Rules Washington Pharmacies Must Dispense Plan B Birth Controls
Court Rules Washington Pharmacies Must Dispense Plan B Birth Controls
In a reversal of a 2012 ruling, the U.S. 9th. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday pharmacies in Washington state must now dispense emergency contraceptives, including Plan B birth control meds.  Opponents are already saying this compares to bakeries, florists and other businesses being forced to serve same-sex wedding clients despite their religious objections, from a biological medical standp

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