
Why Did your Car Insurance Go Up? Maybe It Was that e-DUI
Why Did your Car Insurance Go Up? Maybe It Was that e-DUI
Why Did your Car Insurance Go Up? Maybe It Was that e-DUI
Many insurance agents are now getting more and more questions from clients about their auto insurance, especially if they popped for one of the new "e-DUI" tickets. Many have been surprised to see their rates go up.  Why? According to information from PEMCO Insurance, most companies treat an e-DUI the same as other moving violations...
Police Share Hilarious But Shocking Video to Make Point about Distracted Driving [VIDEO]
Police Share Hilarious But Shocking Video to Make Point about Distracted Driving [VIDEO]
Police Share Hilarious But Shocking Video to Make Point about Distracted Driving [VIDEO]
Walla Walla County Sheriff's office posted this video on their Facebook page. Sure it's hilarious, showing people so caught up in their phones and digital devices that they walk into ponds, poles and more. But the Sheriff's department urged people to imagine this behavior behind the wheel, and imagine how dangerous a vehicle can be if somebody is staring at their phone, instead of the road... Read

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