Tips From The ExpertlocalexpertslocalexpertsPublished: July 25, 2013Share on TwitterShare on FacebookWatch the video below to learn everything the Local Expert has to offer.
Physician’s Immediate Care — Tri-Cities' Medical ExpertPhysician’s Immediate Care — Tri-Cities' Medical Expert
Bill to remove medical debt from credit scores in Washington moves forwardBill to remove medical debt from credit scores in Washington moves forward
Another Greater Idaho Bill Introduced in Oregon LegislatureAnother Greater Idaho Bill Introduced in Oregon Legislature
Op-Ed: Massive tax increase proposed for single-payer health care in Washington stateOp-Ed: Massive tax increase proposed for single-payer health care in Washington state
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Democrats propose raising tobacco taxes, creating new ones in search of revenueDemocrats propose raising tobacco taxes, creating new ones in search of revenue
WA Dems Shut Governor’s Staff Out of House ChambersWA Dems Shut Governor’s Staff Out of House Chambers
WA Dem Pushing Bill Requiring Liability Insurance for Gun OwnersWA Dem Pushing Bill Requiring Liability Insurance for Gun Owners