What Super Bowl Halftime Performer Shockingly Slammed Romney Voters on Election Night?
With the NFL Championship coming up February 3rd, our attention turns to the halftime show. Will it be great, or a dud?If you're a twenty-something female, you'll probably like it. If you like your music to come with a police blotter, then you'll like this performer's husband. But we digress.
Beyonce' and her hubby Jay-Z are big worshippers at the throne of Obama. Besides donating large amounts to his election and re-election campaign, they have also hosted a few social events for the President as well.
CBS has chosen this talented but annoying performer to be the star of the Super Bowl 47 halftime show. It's a move that may alienate nearly half the country, as many have not forgotten her little stunt last November 6th.
After it became evident that Obama was going to win re-election, Beyonce' posted a hand-written note to her Tumblr social network account that read, "Take That, Mitches." You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize who she was slamming, and her use of the letter M in place of B allowed her to insinuate those who didn't support the president were "bi**ches." This story was also widely reported on Fox and Drudge, as well as Breitbart, but ignored by the mainstream media. Some in Hollywood circles thought it was funny, and witty.
It was quickly removed from her account, probably due to her agent reminding her a large percentage of her album sales come from the children of middle-class Americans who might not appreciate having their political views slammed with a gangster-style insult.
Beyonce' and Jay-Z fit the rude and shockingly insensitive Chicago-style tone Obama has often adopted throughout his presidency. Had something of that nature been uttered by a conservative, it would have been all over the place, and they would have been scourged.
While CBS will probably turn a deaf ear to those who don't approve, it's worth 30 seconds of your time or so to call CBS at their corporate headquarters and inform them you don't appreciate her view of nearly 50% of American voters.
Here is the number for the CBS corporate input switchboard: 1-212-975-3247.
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