Dems Continue Push to Make Temporary Taxes Permanent — Several Professions Threatened
A new list has surfaced in Olympia, and according to some GOP legislators, they say other House members don't want YOU to see it!
Rep. Cary Condotta (GOP) from East Wenatchee serves on the House Finance Committee in Olympia. With the special session going on and legislators trying to hammer out a budget, much has been made of the House Democrats proposal that would make a number of temporary taxes permanent.
Condotta argues the state is going to take in nearly $2 billion more this year in the tax cycle without any new taxes, so why extend the ones due to expire at the end of this month?
One of the big sticking points in the House Democratic plan would be to make permanent the temporary 0.3 percent Business and Occupation Tax (B&O) approved by former Gov. Gregoire.
Democrats, says Condotta, claim the extension of the B&O tax would apply to "doctors, lawyers, architects and others."
Condotta pressed them about who the "others" are; after consulting with the Washington State Department of Revenue, he they include 144,000 self-employed people and small businesses.
To find out exactly who click on the button below. It lists the different occupations and industries and how much more they will pay in taxes between 2013-2015. The occupations and industries are listed alphabetically, and include the number of businesses (and if applicable, number of people self-employed in those industries).
Is YOUR job or career on the list?
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