The Prosser School District has confirmed they are in private negotiations with what some say is now 'former' Superintendent Dr. Ray Tolcacher, but refuses to release any other information.

Since earlier this week, there has been much speculation about why Tolcacher is reportedly having a retirement and contract negotiation with the District. The District refuses to release any other details.

But according to and other sources, there's some evidence to suggest it could be the result over the controversies faced by Prosser schools this year over social media policies and discussion in the community.

According to YakTriNews, several district employees had told parents that Tolcacher, who planned to retire later in the school year, had already packed up his office and left as of Thursday, and had already returned a District vehicle used for transportation.

There has been months of discussion and controversy about the February suspension of a librarian who made comments on her personal Facebook page about the Day Without Immigrants protests. Peggy Brown had been placed on administrative leave.

Then Brown and her husband Dale came under fire from certain groups about social media posts and public signs Dale displayed concerning Muslims, Mormons, LGBTQ individuals and others.  Some people in the community supported their right to free speech outside of work, others said it affected the way they were viewed in their professional careers.

Shortly afterward, Prosser adopted what some say is a stringent social media policy for it's paid school district employees, concerning even their personal pages. Some support it, others say it infringes upon personal 1st. Amendment rights.

It's this backround that has many in the community believing Tolcacher's early departure is related to these controversies. That claim is steadfastly denied by the District.


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