Purdue Pharma is under fire after being accused of gross negligence and black market involvement with OxyContin in Everett, WA.

The city is suing the company after a spike of heroin addiction in the community. Now in Seattle's federal court, the lawsuit accuses the company of knowingly selling the opioid medication to shady, black market clinics and worming its way into addicts' hands.

Ray Stephanson, the mayor, believes his his city has had to increase spending responding to the addiction crisis including more police and cleaning crews looking for dirty syringes.

Pharma Purdue responded that the company leads the industry in creating medications meant to STOP the abuse of prescription and other drugs, but the city of Everett is not having it.

The Los Angeles Times reported that evidence existed implicating Purdue Pharma in the over-prescription of the drug, and that is what sparked the lawsuit in the first place.

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