Hey mom and dad...you might want to see what that institution of higher learning is spending your tuition dollars on.  A PC Club that goes around telling students and others what they should and should not dress up as for Halloween?

Ohio University is one of a number of colleges and universities where school-funded clubs (actually political action groups) are campaigning to have certain Halloween costumes shunned. STARS, or Students Teaching Against Racism at Ohio U has put up posters and staging rallies to protest such Halloween costumes as giesha girls, a person dressed in Mexican western wear with a sombrero.  Another poster shows a Middle Eastern student holding a picture of a man dressed in Arab garb with fake dynamite strapped to his chest as a Halloween costume.  Students for the club say we understand Halloween is supposed to be fun, but it can be done without offending others.  However, a man dressed up as a 'gangsta rapper' is not only ok, according to the students, but appropriate...hmmm.    The lunacy has spread to other schools as well.  In Portland OR, the principal at Buckman Elementary School has banned Halloween costumes, saying the students should embrace "a spirit of equity."    These people however, never have anything to say when someone dresses up in a Presidential mask, or as a pimp, or a sports figure.  Guess it's a double standard.  What works ethnically for these PC groups is fine,  ignore the rest.   Perhaps the most disturbing part of all this is that, at least at Ohio University, the school believes it is necessary to spend money given by students and parents for tuition to further the agendas of a few politically correct others who think they know what is best for everyone.

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