According to authorities around the country, at least a half a dozen sexual assaults have been reported in the last few days at Occupy Movement camps in New York City,  Dallas and other venues.

Police estimate the number to be higher, perhaps 2-3 times, but due to reluctance of victims to come forward.  It has gotten so bad, Occupy Movement organizers have setup a woman's only tent in New York at the site of the Occupy Camp.   In addition,  explosions of violence are breaking out.  Besides the riot in Oakland recently,  San Diego Occupy participants assaulted street cart vendors were attacked.  They had stopped giving out free food, and had to close up shop when their carts were ransacked, vandalized, and some were pelted with blood and other bodily fluids.   Manhattan business owners reported they were threatened with bodily harm when they refused to let Occupy participants use their bathroom for bathing purposes.

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