
Audi Unleashes Doberhuahua in Super Bowl 2014 Commercial
Audi Unleashes Doberhuahua in Super Bowl 2014 Commercial
Audi Unleashes Doberhuahua in Super Bowl 2014 Commercial
Audi is known for being among the big three of German luxury automakers, so it makes sense that they would go all out in the latest of leaked Super Bowl 2014 commercials. This car commercial features an animal revving through the streets that is as pretty as it is powerful. It's cute, it's ruthless, it's a fashion accessory and it's a trophy breed -- meet the Doberhuahua!
20 Animals Who Think They’re People
20 Animals Who Think They’re People
20 Animals Who Think They’re People
If we all didn't love anthropomorphic animals so much, there's no way Disney would be as successful as it is. It turns out there's something better than cartoon animals acting like people though -- real animals acting like people.
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
Hooo boy, it is so close to being summer, we can practically hear the incessant song of the ice cream truck already. Frankly we don't want to wait until Monday to kick off the season. We can't. We've lost all control. Here are some pics of animals in kiddie pools to prove it.
11 Guilty Pets Who Know What They Did
11 Guilty Pets Who Know What They Did
11 Guilty Pets Who Know What They Did
There's nothing surprising about our pets getting into shenanigans when we're not looking. Sometimes we find the little buggers in the act, and what results is adorably hilarious. But other times, we're not lucky enough to catch them red-handed, although their guilty expressions totally allude to trouble.

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