Jake Tapper sat down with President Obama as he kicked off his "jobs" tour of Virginia and North Carolina.  Some interesting responses to some decent questions from Tapper.

Obama refused to give himself a "grade" after his first two and a half years, perhaps saying it was incomplete.  He did say he feels the work "we" have begun is not finished.  He tried to equate the TEA Party with the Occupy Wall Street movement, but completely dodged the boorish behavior displayed by not just the Wall Street occupyers but in many cities around the nation.  On the subject of Fast And Furious, the notoriously corrupt and failed program where guns were allowed to be sold to drug cartels with the supposed goal of tracing a link to the top levels of drug organizations, Obama said neither he nor the Attorney General Eric Holder knew about it--despite numerous news reports and official memos showing Holder was clearly informed.  He gave a typical  philosophical anti drug response.   Watch the interview here for yourself.  Nothing really revealing, could have used some tougher questions.

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