Mike Adams
Roseanne Barr Tweets Billionaires Are ‘Violent Pedophiles’ and ‘Coke Addicts’
Well, don’t expect to hear about Roseanne Barr receiving any large contributions from billionaires looking to support her Roseanne for President 2012 campaign anytime soon.
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
It has been predicted that by 2020, the United States will experience a nearly 14.5 percent labor increase, making room for an additional 20 million new jobs as the result of this country’s growing population and competitive marketplace.
Taco Bell Announces Plans to Sell Mountain Dew A.M. on Their Breakfast Menu — Dollars and Sense
Some of you may not believe this, but Mountain Dew was not intended to be consumed for breakfast – that is, until now.
Research Says Majority Want Career Do-Over
If while you were sitting at work a strange man walked up to you and handed you a magic wand that was said to hold magical powers that would allow you to abracadabra yourself from your current career to a new one of your choice would you do it?
The State Department Wants You to Stop Using Offensive Phrases You Don’t Even Know Are Offensive
It appears as if the State Department wants to wash out the mouths of the American people with a proverbial bar of soup for being so insensitive to the offensive nature of popular phrases like “hold down the fort” and “rule of thumb.”
New Research Reveals That Bullying in the Workplace Is On the Rise
Almost everyone has encountered that one co-worker who would rather spend every ticking second of an eight-hour workday telling you how to do your job rather that minding their own business and focusing on their own work.
What the…? Fired City Official Seeks $837,000 in Sick and Vacation Time
All of us can appreciate the determination that goes into making sure we get what is coming to us, especially when that involves unused vacation and sick time.
More and More Employees Eat Lunch at Their Desks — Do You? [POLL]
There was once a time when working class Americans took full advantage of an actual outside the office lunch break.
Those days seem to be long gone.
What Are the Most Blocked Phone Numbers?
The only thing worse than having real creditors calling repeatedly and asking for money is being barraged by pesky tele-scam artists feverishly trying to rip you off.
Bizarre Study Finds Drivers Try to Hit Animals [VIDEO]
It should be considered a brilliant leap in the telling of humanity whenever the real face of the human condition is exposed – especially when it exposes the wrath of cold-blooded rubber animal killers.
That’s what we said — rubber animal killers.