Better Business Bureau Announces Top Ten Consumer Scams to Watch Out For
According to the Better Business Bureau of Eastern Washington, Idaho and Montana, tax season seems to bring a resurgence of many types of consumer scams.
According to the BBB, the top ten most complained about scams from 2014 are again leading the way this year. They include, from #10 through #1:
- Internet Services
- Television and electronic media
- Shop-at-home and catalog sales
- Auto-related complains
- Prizes, sweepstakes and lotteries
- Banks and lenders
- Telephone mobile services
- Imposter scams (bogus telephone calls claiming debts owed, or special prizes)
- Debt collection
- Identity theft
The BBB urges consumers to check their Facebook page often, or follow them, to learn about tips to safeguard themselves, as well as alerts on the latest consumer scams.