Boeing Refuses to Release Emails With Clinton Foundation – State Department
On the heels of a suspicious deal between General Electric (GE) the Clinton Foundation, and the State Department, a national group and some shareholders are demanding the aerospace giant release it's dealings with the controversial foundation.
The Clinton Foundation continues to dominate headlines week after week, as Hilary and Bill Clinton face a wide variety of allegations. While the Clinton Foundation HAS done a lot of good work in AIDS relief in third-world countries and promoting democracy, numerous financial experts say the Clinton's have used it to make themselves rich.
According to a Wall Street financial analyst, the Clinton Foundation is an elaborate scheme designed to make them rich. Charles Ortel, a respected analyst and expert, points to numerous compliance, reporting and other financial issues. Ortel said this about the Foundation:
"Ortel contends, the Clintons have defrauded an unsuspecting international public of hundreds of millions of dollars for personal gain."
"The honest services fraud theory as applied to public officials holds that a public official stands in a fiduciary relationship with the public, and can commit honest services fraud by breaching fiduciary duties in the course of that relationship, such as by theft, accepting a bribe, or concealing a financial conflict of interest."