
Fruitcake With Icing? Lots of Rum? We’ve Been Doing It All Wrong!
Fruitcake With Icing? Lots of Rum? We’ve Been Doing It All Wrong!
Fruitcake With Icing? Lots of Rum? We’ve Been Doing It All Wrong!
Perhaps fruitcake is not deserving of the bad rap it gets this time of year, ending up as a door stop. The 'regular' kind that everyone turns up their nose at is far from many recipes and versions of the popular cake. According to multiple sources, this ancient Roman Empire concoction breezed through Europe and was even used as wedding cake...
Libs Blow Gasket Over ‘Presidential’ EAS Test, Forget It Was Obama Creation
Libs Blow Gasket Over ‘Presidential’ EAS Test, Forget It Was Obama Creation
Libs Blow Gasket Over ‘Presidential’ EAS Test, Forget It Was Obama Creation
You got one of these on your phone Wednesday, you can't opt out of EAS alerts sent by the President himself.  But apparently many liberals and celebrities have short memories. Leading up to announcements about Wednesday's test, which reached across the nation and included on-air radio and TV tones, many libs and celebrities were 'begging' to find a way out of 'Trumps text...
So, Just Where did Pasco Get It’s Name Anyway?
So, Just Where did Pasco Get It’s Name Anyway?
So, Just Where did Pasco Get It’s Name Anyway?
Kind of thought of this when hearing those spa ads on the radio, the ones where the announcer pronounces it a little off, saying "Pas-cow".  You've heard them. yikes! But I started to wonder, where exactly did the city get it's name anyway...
Daylight Savings Time Is Coming Up, But Is It Really Helpful?
Daylight Savings Time Is Coming Up, But Is It Really Helpful?
Daylight Savings Time Is Coming Up, But Is It Really Helpful?
A very important reminder for everyone: Daylight Saving Time is on March 11th, so make sure you turn your clocks an hour ahead! But here is the real question: is it helpful? A man by the name of George Hudson came up with the idea for Daylight Saving Time in 1895, and it was in 1918 when the United States implemented it to save energy during World War I...
Will the Groundhogs Predict Winter? (Probably Not)
Will the Groundhogs Predict Winter? (Probably Not)
Will the Groundhogs Predict Winter? (Probably Not)
Groundhog Day is going to be on Friday! Every year, on February 2nd, this tradition is celebrated around the country. It is based on the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog finds its shadow after coming out of its burrow, it will move back into the burrow, signifying that winter will continue for another 6 months (or, if it does not, then spring will arrive early)...

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