It will remain to be seen if majority Democrats push through bills that a controversial anti-gun group wants passed in WA.

 The group wants more firearm restrictions.

The WA Alliance for Gun Responsibility was created in 2013 by venture capitalist Nick Hanuaer, who has also donated millions to movements aimed at restricting gun ownership.

Nearly every legislative session, the group, along with others, have pushed for more restrictions to make it more difficult for citizens to own firearms.

As the state heads into the 2025 legislative session, WAGR has laid out what it wants to see happen, which includes excise taxes on the sale of firearms and ammunition, and additional permit requirements for ownership.

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They also plan to push to have open-carry removed from public parks and public buildings, and other restrictions to make it more difficult for people to purchase firearms.

Hanuaer's group is one of several efforts in WA and elsewhere to add more limitations and restrictions on legal gun ownership, he has also been linked to similar efforts in Nevada and elsewhere.

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Gallery Credit: Andrew Lisa




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