A ghost gun is one that lacks a serial number, basically.  There are a wide variety of them, ranging from plastic models to those made by a 3-D printer.  Most commonly, they are 'kit' guns that are do-it-yourself assembly.   Most kit guns do have a serial number, but some do not.

   Oregon ban on Ghost guns goes into effect Sept. 1st.

Several groups had filed to get a temporary restraining order for OR House Bill 2005, saying the ghost gun law violated 2nd and 14th Amendment rights.

US District Judge Adrienne Nelson denied the motion, saying in part:

“The Second Amendment does not encompass the right ‘to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever and for whatever purpose,’”

However, the gun activists argued there aren't any specific details in the Constitution banning the right to own such weapons.   It's become a hot-button issue in some states. Federal law years ago did offer some explanations about certain types of weapons, but ghost guns have not become a hot topic until the last 15-20 years.

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The Judge, and supporters of the ban claim, other than for illegal or 'nefarious' uses, there's no reason why a law-abiding citizen should want, or would need to own such a weapon.

The ghost guns that concern supporters of the ban say 3-D printed or plastic guns without metal parts can be smuggled past metal and other detectors, creating safety issues.

Officials are not sure how many such weapons are in the US, but they began to grow in popularity in states with the strictest, tightest, and man say, unconstitutional gun laws, such as California.  As more attempts are made to 'squeeze' the 2nd Amendment, experts say they see a rise in ghost guns.

Oregon officials are reminding citizens the new ban goes into effect Sept. 1st. Any weapon constructed after October 22nd, 1968 that doesn't have a serial number must be taken to a Federally-licensed gun dealer to be registered.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff



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