Do Some Jobs Attract Psychopaths More than Others? – Lawyers, Police & Broadcasters on the List!
Apparently some careers are far more prone to attract people with psychopathic tendencies! According to a new book by psychologist Kevin Dutton, there are characteristics exhibited by psychopaths that are found in many people who may not be considered deranged. Here is what the Journal of Abnormal Psychology says about psychopathy:
(It) is a personality disorder characterized by anti-social behavior, selfishness, egocentricity, callousness, manipulativeness and lack of empathy.
The most psychopaths are:
1. Chief executive officer
2. Lawyer
3. Media (Television/Radio)
4. Salesperson
5. Surgeon
6. Journalist
7. Police officer
8. Clergy person
9. Chef
10. Civil servant
Least attractive to psychopaths:
1. Care aide
2. Nurse
3. Therapist
4. Craftsperson
5. Beautician or stylist
6. Charity worker
7. Teacher
8. Creative artist
9. Doctor
10. Accountant
Radio is on the list? We're not that bad -- really. We just want to have you over for dinner...