Don’t Just Sit There–Contact Legislators With YOUR Opinion!
There's a lot of interesting pieces of legislation being considered during the 2020 legislative session in Olympia.
From a bill backed by Attorney General Bob Ferguson that would institute backround checks for ammunition purchases, to the idea of a 32-hour work week; from controversial grade school age sex ed ideas to a proposal to limit Initiatives and Referendums to only 'even' calendar years, there's a lot to comment on.
Regardless of your position, you need to voice your opinion. In the past, and this year, there will be House Reps and Senators who vote based upon feedback from you, their constituents. No legislator in their right mind are going to risk their political 'career' voting for something when a 'storm' of protest is coming from their district.
Call and/or email and weigh in. Be civil, but firm and get involved!
Here's the Legislative hotline:
1-800-562-6000 (TTY for Hearing Impaired 800.833.6388)
It is open from 8AM to 7PM Monday through Friday. And to get a GREAT Comprehensive look at what's being debated in Olympia, click on the button below for a link to the OFFICIAL Washington State Legislative website.
AND here's another link to a very useful site, washingtonvotes.org.

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