Door To Door Salesmen MUST Wear ID Badge, Say Local Officials
Not just in West Richland, but in the rest of the area, officials are noticing an uptick in door-to-door salemen. Not all are crooks, but they're becoming increasingly linked to fraud.
West Richland police said this week, in their community, such solicitors are only allowed to work between 8am and 8pm, and MUST be wearing in plain sight, their city approved ID badge.
These badges are issued by the city when such operators file to do business. ALL such vendors must be cleared with the city before beginning operations. Similar codes are in effect in Kennewick, Richland and Pasco.
All law enforcement officials stress if somebody comes to your door, request to see their official city permit and identification. If you have any doubts or are genuinely suspicious, call the city and determine if that business is on the official list.
According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) door-to-door fraud is increasing rapidly across the country, and in the Mid-Columbia as well. See their website for details and tips on how to deal with them.