Fire Danger in Benton County Downgraded to “High”
(Prosser, WA) -- The Benton County Fire Marshall's Office has downgraded fire danger in the county to High. Benton County Fire Marshall Clark Posey telling Newsradio that cooler conditions at night have led to more moisture in the air, which allows for less favorable fire conditions. He does add that people need to continue to be careful around fires, and when setting them. Benton County was in Extreme/High Danger previously, and we are likely to stay in the High category until the weather becomes wetter
According to the Benton County Fire Marshall's Office
-Wildfires are likely. Fires in heavy, continuous fuel such as mature grassland, CRP fields and forest litter, will be difficult to control under windy conditions. Control through direct attack may be difficult but possible and mop-up will be required. PUBLIC OUTDOOR BURNING IS NOT PERMITTED with the exception of a legal recreational fire within a metal ring.