Hay Thief Trapped Under 1500 Lb. Bale, Flown to Hospital
Early Monday morning, Franklin County Deputies responded to a call from a hay farmer north of Pasco, concerning what seemed to be a would-be thief trapped under a massive bale.
Around 5 AM, Deputies went to the farm on Peterson Road, and found the man had apparently been trapped under a massive 1500 lb. bale, likely had tipped or fallen on him. He was unable to escape. The 50-year-old man's identity was not released.
Deputies and Franklin County EMS and Fire crews were able to locate him and dig him out. He was given treatment at the scene, then flown to an area hospital. His condition is not known, but those huge bales can do some serious damage if you're hit by or trapped under one.
The landowner says the man did not have permission to be there and had NOT made any hay purchase. The incident is now under investigation by the Sheriff's Department.
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