Inslee Claims Lawsuit Over Constitutional Rights Violations is “Heartless”
Saying "we can't have a good economy without a healthy Washington" Gov. Jay Inslee claims a lawsuit filed against his Stay at Home orders is "heartless."
Inslee, according to KIRO Radio and, made reference to the "800" Washington families who've had someone die from COVID-19. While elaborating on that and health and safety points, Inslee did not address the civil-Constitutional rights violation claims made in the suit.
The lawsuit says that the the original purpose of the Stay At Home and various Executive Orders etc. was to slow and spread and contain the growth of COVID. However, weeks and weeks into the pandemic, the situation, data, and much else has changed --for the better. The lawsuit says in part:
“Over the weeks since the state has imposed limits on its citizens’ Constitutional rights, more and more data have emerged regarding COVID-19. It has been almost unabated good news,”
The suit goes on to say that new data shows far fewer infected people are having to be treated than first believed, the rate of spread has slowed more than expected due to social distancing. There was also more ventilators than needed (over 400 were sent back), the mobile Army hospital in Seattle was dismantled without ever seeing a patient, and data points show the state is ready for far more re-opening than the Governor is allowing.
The suit goes on to say (verbatim) in part:
“Unfortunately, the Governor insists that he, and he alone, can determine whether an emergency exists. He claims that it’s an emergency if he says it’s an emergency, and that no one — not the legislature, and not the courts — can gainsay him. He claims that the emergency can continue as long as he thinks it continues, and no one but he can say otherwise.”
“The Governor has assumed the sole power to determine whether a person in Washington can worship, can peaceably assemble, can work, can build needed housing, can offer living space for rent, can engage in any activity."
Inslee offered little other comment on the suit aside from his remarks about the "800" families and victims.
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