Inslee Releases Statement Hinting in Favor of Dam Breaching
A few days ago, we reported on the Idaho Congressman who wants to drop $32 billion dollars into what ag industry and other leaders call a "pie in the sky" plan to breach the four lower Snake River dams.
Mike Simpson of Idaho (D) wants to breach the Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose and Lower Granite dams to improve salmon runs and save fish. His plan has already been blasted by nearly every agricultural group and most GOP leaders in Congress.
Tuesday, Gov. Inslee released this wordy, confusing statement. However, the beginning shows likely which way he is leaning on this:
"...Washington welcomes Rep. Simpson’s willingness to think boldly about how to recover Columbia and Snake River salmon in a way that works for the entire region and invests – at a potentially transformative level – in clean energy, transportation and agriculture.
“I believe that the Columbia Basin Collaborative, a regional process the governors of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana are in the process of convening, must play a prominent role in the formation and implementation of a comprehensive plan for the future of the Columbia and Snake rivers. The Collaborative can complement and inform Congressional efforts, and help our states achieve salmon recovery goals in a manner that is consistent with protecting and enhancing clean, reliable and affordable energy, transportation systems and agriculture.
“Conversations among different interests and across party lines are essential to identifying creative solutions that work for salmon, energy and the economy. This is important – to Washington’s tribes, people, economy and culture. I look forward to engaging with our state’s congressional delegation to find solutions that fully meet the needs of our state.”
This is the kind of verbage we've heard from him for years, about conversations in the legislature of his proposals. But given his actions, and those of Democratic legislators who sponsor bills based upon his plans, it's pretty much hyperbole.
It appears, based upon his enviornmental record, he's in favor of it.