Red Bull Gives You Wings? Drink Causes Semi to Fly Off WA State Highway
Red Bull vs Semi in Washington State
They always said Red Bull "gives you wings" right? One semi-driver in Washington State found out that was not really true!
Red Bull Brings Down Semi on Washington State Pass
One semi lost control and drove off the road in Snoqualmie Pass this morning, and a popular energy drink is at fault. Well honestly, just partly at fault because the rest lies with the driver of the semi.
Semi Plows Through Highway Barrier
You can see in the pictures that the semi teared through the barrier on the side of the highway, leaving a trail of destroyed wooden poles in its wake.
The road started turning to the left, but the semi continued straight, hitting the barrier and eventually driving off the highway into a bunch of trees.
So how is the Red Bull energy drink at fault?
"Proof: Red Bull Does Not Give You Wings"
The first line from the Snoqualmie Pass past showing the accident on Twitter says it best, "Proof: Red Bull does not give you wings." It might keep you awake for a while, but even that has its limitations.
According to the post, the driver of the semi spilled his Red Bull energy drink on his lap. This caused him to lose concentration, get distracted, and drive the semi off the road.
"Clothes Are Washable"
The post brings up a really great point that the semi-driver will never forget. "Please stay on the road. Clothes are washable." Something tells me that his semi is not. Keep your eyes on the road out there, even if your Red Bull is spilled on your pants.
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