Kennewick Carjacking-Robbery Victim Was TV Reporter
The early Tuesday morning carjacking attempt in Kennewick that occurred just west of the KSD Admin building involved a TV news reporter, say police.
New information has been released indicating the woman was getting ready to set up for a camera and interview shot with some members of the KEA (Teachers Union) when a shorter Hispanic man, described as about 5' 8" tall came running up with a gun, forced his way into her car. He told her to drive, then got 'spooked' and fled but not before he had robbed her.
There are various rallies going on around Kennewick involving red-shirted members of the Kennewick Eduation Association, and the reporter was going to speak with them to get some latest updates on the strike, which began today (Tuesday).
Police did not indicate what he got away with, but the woman was unharmed. However, police are still searching the area near 4th and Kent, as well as a wide block radius. Anyone who knows any information or may have seen the man running or walking away is urged to call (509)-628-0333. All information can be confidential.
Which TV station the woman worked for was not released.
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