Kennewick Police Investigating Possible Drive By Shooting at Mall
It appears Kennewick Police are on site, investigating a potential drive by shooting behind the Columbia Center Mall.
It is believed the incident occurred between 10-11AM, although KPD issued a release about the incident between 10:45-11AM.
Police have not blocked off or closed the parking lot or mall, It appears to be an incident between two individuals or sets of people in two vehicles and there is no apparent danger to the public at this time.
A photo released by KPD shows a blue cone in the road, likely marking the location of a shell casing or some other form of evidence. No other information has been released, we will update as more information becomes available.
A live video from KEPR-TV showed traffic making it's way in and out of the mall parking lot, but also multiple KPD units deployed around the area, and officers working the investigation. No word if any suspects located.
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