Location of new business (Google street view)
Location of new business (Google street view)

The company opening a new research center has a worldwide footprint. This is am image of the location, prior to construction.

New research and Tech center to open

Wednesday, April 17th, the grand opening will happen for a new facility operated by a worldwide company AtkinsRéalis, in the Port of Benton at 2801 North George Washington Way.

The event will take place from 12:30 to  2PM with a variety of City officials and others attending. According to information released by AtkinsRealis:

 "Created by the integration of long-standing organizations dating back to 1911, AtkinsRéalis is a world-leading professional services and project management company dedicated to engineering a better future for our planet and its people. We create sustainable solutions that connect people, data and technology to transform the world's infrastructure and energy systems."

The $20 million dollar research and tech center will begin operations almost immediately., the event will include what the company calls a Tour of Technologies event at the plant.

QUIZ: Can you identify 50 famous companies by their logos?

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