Newstalk Facebook Poll: 73% Want In Full Class Schooling in Fall
Wednesday afternoon, we put up a very unscientific Facebook poll, asking which of thee scenarios parents-citizens want to see for the return to school this fall. The choices were based upon what area school districts are putting out as possiblities.
Here's the choices:
A) Complete Distance Learning (like this spring).
B) Mixed Class and Distance, say 3 days in school 2 at home
C) Full classroom, all systems go! (could include masks, plastic screens etc)
Here's the results:
- C got 63 percent of the votes
- A got 18 percent
- B got just 7 percent (many remarked that a combination of in and distant learning would be a logistical nightmare).
- There were a number who 'wrote in' D, which was some sort of completely normal, no restrictions, school as it was before COVID. This write in category got 10 percent.
- when added to "C", "D" would make that number actually 73%.
In the interest of transparency, here's the numbers. As of 10AM Thursday morning, the survey was seen or delivered to 2,663 persons pages, there were 630 engagements (people who read it) 99 comments, and of those 38 total votes. The survey did NOT specify an certain school district, just what people want to see happen in education this fall.
It's worth noting two of the "C" votes were from people who identified themselves as being in the education field.
As you can see, not a "massive" sample size, but some good input. And a lot of good civil discussion between those who want C or D and those who favor A.
Thanks for your input.
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