The big story today and this week...Obama officially releasing his birth certificate. But why now? Why did he not tackle the birther issue when it first came to light?

Some perspective has been shed by talk show host Glenn Beck...'watch the other hand.'  There have been several political commentators who have said this birther issue is just a "smokescreen," that  it actually adds credibility to his positions and administration because they can attempt to portray the "birthers" (people who adamantly believe he was not born on US soil and therefore not eligible to be president) as extremists or "nut jobs."  Previously, the White House/Obama had released other copies of certificates of live birth, but observers felt they were incomplete or contained enough discrepancies they should be questioned.   The real issue here will be-what happens now during all the discussion that will dominate the national news for a few weeks.  What will Obama and his administration do policywise while the nation is occupied?

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