Oregon Joins WA In Marijuana Vote This November – Dude [POLL]
The number of states voting this November on whether to legalize (formally) marijuana has climbed to three.
Oregon voters will decide on the fate of the Oregon Cannibus Tax Act, which last Friday gained enough signatures to land on the ballot in November. Oregon's measure is being spun more as a financial tool that will not only make marijuana legal, but supply much needed money to the state. The plant would be sold in state licensed stores, much like the liquor stores Washington used to have.
The ironic part of this - 7 percent of the profits would go to fund drug treatment programs around the state. Washington voters will also decide on a similar bill, as back in January the group New Approach Washington gained enough signatures to make it a ballot measure. Even if the state approves the drug, WA, OR and Colorado, who is facing a similar vote, could still be at-odds with the Federal Government, as cannibus remains classified as an illegal narcotic under Federal law.
If approved, at least in WA and OR, sales would be confined to individuals at least 21 or older. Do you favor legalizing marijuana in state-run stores? Take our poll, let us know. We do know one thing: Should these pass, the brownie industry will be rejoicing.