Play Ball! Kennewick National Youth Signups On Now
Kennewick National Youth Baseball is preparing for the 2018 season, and online registration is open for this great fun opportunity!
The baseball heritage and tradition in Kennewick is no secret, both Kennewick National (KN) and Kennewick American (KA) have won their share of state and regional titles, and had many teams go on to the Babe Ruth-Cal Ripkin World Series games.
Boys and girls ages 5 through 12 are encouraged to sign up. There will be a skills evaluation in the very early spring to help place the players in the appropriate league. For the little ones, it starts with Coach Pitch-T Ball, then Rookie ball-using a pitching machine. Then there's Minors (ages 8-10 sometimes 11) then Major 60 and Major 70. These two are for ages 10-12. The 60 and 70 refer to the distance between the bases.
Not just for boys, there have been, and continue to be, a number of girls who also play baseball in the league.
KN plays it's games at their three fields on 4th Ave. just below Highway 395 in Kennewick, just West of Westgate Elementary.
Click here to be taken to the registration page and for more information. You can find out if you're within the KN boundaries, which are largely West, North, and some Central Kennewick.
Various businesses around town provide team and other sponsorship, and each of the teams in each division will wear different uniform colors.
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