Pullman Online Classes Victims of “Zoom Bombing” Obscene Hackers
It's a troublesome phenomenon occurring around the country, now making it's way to the Pacific NW.
It's called "Zoom Bombing," authorities say it's hackers to break into online education zoom meetings, take over the moderator position, and broadcast everything from rap music and videos to pornography.
KHQ -TV in Spokane reports as does KREM- 2 TV that 7 attempts were made earlier this week and last, on two different occasions, to hijack classes.
According to Pullman School District officials, they are now moving all class meetings to Google Meets, another meeting service, plus a number of additional credential criteria being added before log ins can occur.
There have not been any such reports of Zoom Bombing in the Tri-Cities area, but officials in Pullman and Spokane say parents everywhere need to be aware of this, and monitor their child's activities and online schooling.
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