Sad But Predictable Reaction from Inslee on Texas School Shooting- Op-Ed
As the nation struggles to try to make sense of what happened in Uldave, Texas Tuesday, Gov. Inslee sadly, but predictably posted on his Facebook page. Regardless of your political affiliation, priorities should be thinking and praying for the victims, and sensibly fact-finding and trying to decipher why this happened.
(this article combines news information with opinion)
Inslee politicized the deaths of children
Gov. Inslee is no stranger to taking tragic events or crises and making them political or using them for political purposes.
This was posted by the Governor, less than 24 hours after the Texas massacre:
Not only is it insensitive, it's disgusting. But it's not the first time he's done this. You've probably forgotten back during COVID, he attended an online global warming forum, hosted by Al Gore. During that event, he addressed the issue of how COVID should be used as an excuse to push green policies.
Grabien online posted, May 13, 2020, Inslee video comments about comparing climate change to Coronavirus. Because that event was largely ignored by WA state media (except us) there was very little fallout from it. But it happened.
During that time, we were at the full impact of the lockdowns, mental health was crashing, people were despondent and alcohol use had skyrocketed amount adults. But he was worried about pushing green policies instead.
And now this. We can fully expect, come next legislative session, a new round of 2nd Amendment and firearm restrictions, which his puppet Democratic legislators will be all too happy to try to push through into law.

But for now, we are left with a bad taste, a horrible stench, coming from the Governor's mansion. As former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel once said:
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."
Apparently, Inslee believes more in that than perhaps praying for the souls of the lost children and adults in Texas. Convince me otherwise.
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