State Supreme Court Shoots Down Inslee Recall Petition Appeal
The Washington State Supreme Court has affirmed a lower court's ruling concerning a recall petition to unseat Gov. Inslee.
Supreme Court tosses out appeal
According to a variety of sources, the petition filed originally by Washingtonians to Recall Inslee (WRI) was turned aside by the court, following an appeal.
The group, which has the website recallinslee.org, had petitioned for the recall on the basis of Inslee's denial of citizens' rights to religious freedom and peaceable assembly (closing churches and making public meetings zoom only) violating the Open Public Meetings Act, proclaiming an unconstitutional eviction moratorium (landlords couldn't evict tenants for any reason except life-threatening crimes) and they said COVID-19 did not merit a State of Emergency.
Last June, the Thurston County Superior Court Judge ruled the petition could not move forward because these reasons were insufficient or did not meet the necessary criteria.
Recall petitions in WA state have to be approved by a judge before they can move forward, and have supporters begin to gather signatures and hopefully land it on an upcoming election ballot.

WRI filed an appeal, which was finally heard this month by the high court. They reiterated the Thurston County ruling, which according to WRI organizers, was not unexpected.
C. Davis of Olympia, who is the organizer of the effort, indicates there will be another petition coming soon, which will focus on other aspects of why Inslee should be removed from office.
If you follow state politics and legal matters, you will know that Thurston County is the most Inslee "friendly" county in the state, it's where Olympia is located, and why the state attempts to have every legal or other challenge heard there.
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