UPDATE –Stay At Home Extended Through May 31– details
Saying "we have not won this fight" against COVID-19, Gov. Jay Inslee announced Friday an extension of the Stay At Home policy through May 31.
He also said, prior to the video being interrupted--stream went down-- that "many more businesses were going to have to remain closed" but did not elaborate on that.
He said we would like to be able to make reservations for June 1st, but we "will continue to monitor and assess" as to whether Stay At Home will end on that day.
Inslee, before the video went down, referenced only Central Puget Sound as an example of how the transmission rates of COVID have slowed or possibly dropped. He made no mention of the rest of the state. This is the second time in one week it appears that he is applying a Puget Sound-King County litmus test to the entire state.
Inslee says the formal issuance of the extension of Stay At home will come on Monday May 4.
We are unable to provide any other details at this time because the video feed from TVW crashed. It is supplied to his Facebook page, which is where it's easier to watch.
We will try to provide more details, as he claimed he would roll out the phases of how Washington will re-open.
This is what was on the TVW site as of 2:52PM Friday.
UPDATE---Inslee announced 10 smaller counties are applying for waivers so they can re-open somewhat. Once the state hears from them, Inslee said a only a matter of days to decide. He was asked if his phases takes us to Mid July. Inslee indicated three weeks between Phases, it could be mid July before large gatherings are allowed.
Inslee said we could catch a "massive break" but pushed the contract tracing and testing programs, very aggressive.
When asked about potential 'revolts' Inslee accused the press of hoping for failure. Inslee claims he's never seen the state more united. He said Washintonians are willing to make sacrifices on a "temporary" basis to make it work. However, he did not address the many businesses that are on the verge of bankruptcy.
He also addressed athletic facilities and sports programs, his Phase 2, would allow 5 persons, Phase 3, 50 plus and Phase 4 unlimited. It will take weeks.
He said he is "very confident" schools will return in the fall, and will re open economy. At the 14:35 mark of the 'new' video, he was asked by a Seattle reporter if limited re-opening will actually work for restaurants and businesses and keep them from tanking. He didn't really address it, but said the state is going to see if these work, but didn't say specific steps are being taken to "prevent" bankruptcy.
To watch the press conference for yourself click on the button below.