Suspect Arrested in CA from Oct. Knife Assault Case in Kennewick
The long arm of the law reached out to Arvin, CA this week, resulting in the arrest of a wanted stabbing suspect.
Last Oct. (2020) Kennewick Police were called to a residence at 5 North Tweedt Place for a report of a stabbing. Upon arrival they found a female victim stuffering from multiple, but not life-theatening wounds. They were serious enough to require EMT transport to a nearby hospital. Police provided emergency help until the EMT's could arrive, especially controlling bleeding.
Police and the Benton County Prosecutor established evidence to issue a warrant for the arrest of 20-year-old Chantel Leon – Parra. However, she could not be located, and was suspected to have left the area.
KPD enlisted the services of US Marshals, who joined the investigation. Tuesday of this week, they located her in Arvin, CA, and reached out to local police there who took her into custody. She is being extradited to Benton County where she will face a variety of charges. Currently, she is in the Kern County jail awaiting that move.
The KPD thanks the Marshals and Arvin Police for their help in this case.
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