Turns out Robo-Cop may have predicted the future better than many other science-fiction films. The day when police officers work alongside robots is here - in it's early stages - but here.
According to CNBC, Starbucks has no plans to 'employ' any of these $25K robot coffee makers in any of their stores. But what about 10 years from now?
The financial channel is reporting a new robot barista has made it's debut, and for a cool $25K a coffee shop could install one...
According to British researchers, another huge group of fake Twitter accounts have been discovered, throwing even more doubt towards what many say is already a dubious social media outlet.
Washington state already has a law on the books forbidding the use of automated event ticket buying programs, often done by "bots" (automated ticket buying computer programs). Now, a Washington state senator wants it to go national.
With recent stories about the pending debut of completely automated burger-making machines, robot butlers working in some California hotels, and drone technology, we wondered - when will they 'take over?'