Speeding Drunk Driver Fails Roundabout in Columbia ParkSpeeding Drunk Driver Fails Roundabout in Columbia ParkDriver slams into roundabout in Columbia Park. John McKayJohn McKay
West Richland Road Projects: Update on Keene, Van GiesenWest Richland Road Projects: Update on Keene, Van GiesenDrivers can expect the speed limits changes when the Keene project completes.Mark RattnerMark Rattner
Semi-Truck Driver Injured in Roll-Over Crash in Benton CitySemi-Truck Driver Injured in Roll-Over Crash in Benton CityThe truck was hauling wine.Patti BannerPatti Banner
“Failing” West Richland Traffic Circle To Be Replaced By Stoplight“Failing” West Richland Traffic Circle To Be Replaced By StoplightThe roundabout has reached the end of it's useful life.Greg NeftGreg Neft
Did This Car Get Airborne in Kennewick Roundabout Crash?Did This Car Get Airborne in Kennewick Roundabout Crash? Kennewick Police say witnesses believe the vehicle may have gotten airborne when it failed to negotiate the roundabout John McKayJohn McKay
Driver Fails Roundabout Test in Kennewick, Busted With DrugsDriver Fails Roundabout Test in Kennewick, Busted With DrugsDriver crashed, then tried to hide drugs away from crash sceneJohn McKayJohn McKay
Pasco Officer Helps Save Driver in Roundabout Crash, FirePasco Officer Helps Save Driver in Roundabout Crash, FirePasco officer saves the day.John McKayJohn McKay
Roundabout Driver ‘Flunks’ Geometry–Goes Straight ThroughRoundabout Driver ‘Flunks’ Geometry–Goes Straight ThroughActually a story that's not COVID related..at least as far as we know...John McKayJohn McKay
Car hits Roundabout Way Too Fast [VIDEO]Car hits Roundabout Way Too Fast [VIDEO]Landing is the hard part.WoodyWoody
Driver Who Hit Car, then Roundabout Crash Wasn’t DrunkDriver Who Hit Car, then Roundabout Crash Wasn’t Drunk 18-year-old driver hits a car, then flees, then can't negotiate roundabout.John McKayJohn McKay