Especially with the River Of Fire and Grand Ol' Fourth celebrations being snuffed out, authorities are getting ready for what's possibly going to be VERY increased neighborhood fireworks shows.
It all began with a pair of suspicious looking guys walking in an area you don't normally see pedestrians.
Early Tuesday morning, Benton County Deputies were called to the area of Amon and Locust Grove Roads, about a mile west of the intersection of Locust Grove, I-82 and Highway 397...
It's the most wonderful time of the year and now comes the tough choice - how to pick out that perfect live Christmas tree - and yes - it does take some skill to find a good one.
Some people want to know how to avoid having a bad first date, but sometimes you are hoping to complete a date in such a manner so that whoever set it up is not mad at you, but the other person will never ask to do it again.