Update on the Beloved Ed Dailey
As most of you know, the beloved Ed Dailey was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Lymphoma cancer back in January. Many of you have reached out over the past year inquiring about his health and well being. His beautiful wife, LaJay has been very gracious keeping the public updated and informed. We would like to share with you now her latest post about our friend:
Good Morning, Yesterday Ed Dailey was admitted into the hospital for monitoring and for observation. Critical low numbers across the board. Low blood counts, low blood pressure ect.. there is no infections to be found at this time only the bad liver, and bone marrow failure, it's just not producing the good blood he needs. In the depleted state that Ed is in, he cannot undergo any aggressive treatments... So, what I am hearing is that things at this time is out of the doctor's hands, but they have never left God's hands, so many of you are in continued prayers on his behalf and we know that God has not left us, nor has he forsaken us, but he continues to hold us all in the palm of his hands... so, we are here another day, and Today is the day that the Lord has made for us to continue on our walk of faith. Rain or shine, life or death we Still know that God is indeed God.Keep praying prayer warriors, light candles, send us that love energy, and know that they are being received.Docs say to expect him to be in the hospital at least 48 hours... still hoping for a miracle
Thank you all for the love and compassion you have shown our family member, Ed Dailey and his wife LaJay.
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