According to L-I officials, the average cost would go up about $1 a week for each worker as well as a the business.

 Labor and Industries proposing a 3.8 percent increase for 2025

For next year L-I is proposing raising the rates paid by workers and businesses by 3.8 percent.  Officials say it's based on increased medical costs, and what they believe they will pay out next year, according to projections.  L-I said in a release:

"The proposed increase is slightly less than what L&I expects to pay out for 2025 claims, so the agency will make up the difference from the workers’ compensation contingency reserve.

In recent years, L&I has reduced the impact on employers and workers by drawing from the contingency reserve to avoid larger increases in premiums. This move is in line with the agency’s principles of keeping rates stable. Without using the reserve, the agency would need to raise average rates nearly 5.5 percent to collect enough premiums to cover expected new claims in 2025."

There will be a pair of public hearings, one online and one in person, according to L-I, where they will take public comments:

10 a.m., Oct. 28 (hybrid meeting)
L&I Headquarters, Rooms S117, S118, S119
7273 Linderson Way SW
Tumwater, WA


Join electronically:
Meeting ID: 428 348 2697

Join by phone (audio only): 253-215-8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 428 348 2697

10 a.m., Oct. 29  (in-person only meeting)
CenterPlace Event Center
Meeting Room
2426 Discover Pl
Spokane Valley, WA

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