WA State Ranks Worst in Manufacturing Job Losses in U.S.
New government employment and business data shows the rest of the country is rebounding from the pandemic when it comes to manufacturing jobs, but WA state is going in the opposite direction.
WA State posts biggest loss of manufacturing jobs in the nation.
According to analysis of current Federal job statistics done by Stateline, WA state has seen a 7 percent drop in manufacturing jobs between 2019 and 2023, a total loss of 274,500. Oregon is not far behind, with a four percent drop with over 190,000 jobs lost.
The generally accepted definition of a manufacturing job is the creation of new products by assembling new or existing materials or raw materials, either by physical, chemical. or mechanical means.
Manufacturing jobs are viewed as the backbone of an economy, because they create products people use. Service sector jobs are considered more support-type employment.
The nation is nowhere near the levels we saw in the 1970's or even the 80's, but manufacturing job rates have climbed steadily since COVID. Nevada showed the biggest jump in manufacturing jobs, up 14 percent, Idaho is up 7 percent, Utah 11, Arizona 9 percent, Texas is up five.
Even CA was flat, with no changes since 2019. But WA State is shedding manufacturing jobs rapidly, and the pace does not appear to be slowing.
While certain regions of WA are growing rapidly, such as the southeastern part of the state, and even Spokane, others are rapidly losing these important jobs. Experts point to rising taxes, regulations. and other unfriendly government policies towards business.
Years ago WA was considered one of the more desirable places to start or operate a business, but many large manufacturers and others are leaving. The second-worse manufacturing job-loss rate was in Vermont at 5 percent. No other states were at 6.
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