Where’s The Smoke-Haze Coming From? Pick a Spot!
Recent reports indicate we have had a mild fire season until a couple of weeks ago.
Smoke, and haze, covering the Columbia Basin
According to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service, recent fire activity in Oregon is responsible for much of the haze we are seeing heading into Labor Day weekend.
In some satellite images from NOAA, you can see a huge plume of smoke rising from some central Oregon activity that spreads out over our region.
That, plus some fires in the Cascades northwest of Wenatchee are also adding to Eastern Washington's skies.
Another website, washingtonsmokeblogspot.com tracks fires all over the region. There you can see which ones are sending out smoke and haze. A fire on the Yakima Indian Reservation and another just northwest of Yakima also are adding to our smoke.
It is expected to hopefully clear after Labor Day Weekend.
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