The event is slated to take place between 11AM and 3PM on the 4th of July in Richland at the HAPO Stage at John Dam Plaza. It's a protest that claims the 4th of July is a "whitewashed" narrative of our nation's independence.

According to the event group Blackformation, the protest lists the following as it's mission statement: 

"By popular demand the community has requested a 4th of July protest in Richland.

Being that this a historical day to celebrate a false idea of American Independence we feel it is necessary exercise our freedom to take a stand in solidarity with one another as a movement.

We recognize the power of our united voices as a direct threat to those in our society that resist the defacing of symbols deeply rooted in racial inequality.

We are visible. We will not tolerate being threatened. We will stand tall with our "little signs" against racism and declare until black lives matter we can't celebrate the reality that freedom is designated to a select few.

We are not 2nd class citizens! Our lives matter! We celebrate the idea of real Independence for all Americans Junteenth June 19, 1865 and not the white washed narrative of July 4, 1776."

The event is organized by a Eugene Vi, who has been a part of similar protests in our area recently. His bio lists him as being from Bremerton, WA. No other information is available to general Facebook viewers.

This "back by popular demand" event shows, as of Thursday 1pm, 119 attending, while 450 persons have clicked they are interested.  A counter protest to the Back The Blue Kennewick event recently (it was cancelled) drew a similar small group of attendees when posted on Facebook, about 120 total.

A call to the City of Richland Parks, Rec and Permitting Department revealed that because John Dam Plaza is a "public" park, groups can show up and stage events, protests etc, BUT there will be no additional usage of facilities or logistical support provided by the city.  If they choose to get up on the HAPO stage, it will remain locked and no PA system provided.  Officials said that would apply to any group who chooses to have an event without a permit.

The city is currently not granting any special use permits for any reason or event due to COVID and our being in Phase One in Benton County.


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