While we watch Occupy Wall Street, Portland, Seattle, and other protests, what has Occupy Tri Cities been up to?

You may have seen some of the protestors around the Mid Columbia, including the corner of CC Blvd across from the Red Lion.   On the occupy tri cities facebook page is an icon stating "weekdays 5-7, saturdays and sundays 10-7 at John Dam Plaza Richland."   While the Occupy protestors in other major cities have behaved badly, Occupy Tri Cities-along with smaller communities like ours, has been simply a protest, no incidents reported, and largely people with signs.  Their facebook page has 635 likes, and much of the page consists of sharing information about other occupy movements, as well as sharing political discussion on a wide variety of topics not just confined to Wall Street, capitalism and the US political system.   A large number of people who appear to be from outside the area regularly post on the site as well.   You can take a look for yourself...scroll down and see the interesting comments about "pirate radio."

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