Arrests Made, More Suspects Sought in Funeral Home Break In
Not only are two suspects behind bars for an alleged funeral home equipment shed break in, a third one is being sought.
Kennewick Police, with help from Benton County Deputies, have apprehended Vince White (51) into Benton County Jail for Trafficking Stolen Property 2nd. John Mackie (36) was booked into jail for Burglary 2nd.
During the investigation a third suspect was developed, authorities are now looking for Wesley Weyand II for 2nd Degree Burglary.
The suspects allegedly broke into a large storage container/shed at Mueller's Funeral Home on South Union Street next to Desert Lawn Cemetery on or around June 11 and stole thousands of dollars worth of equipment.
Anyone with any leads is urged to call (509)-628-0333. All information can be confidential.