Benton Deputies Use Aerial Search for Missing Elderly Man
A 77-year-old man reported missing out of Grandview has been the subject of a search that included the Benton County Sheriff's Department Aerial unit.
Monday, Deputies said the man, known as Eddie Jasso, drove a white Chevy S-10 pickup, WA Plates C32322F. Besides Grandview, he has ties to Prosser area as well.
Deputies did not say how long he had been missing, but an official report had been filed. The Benton County Sheriff's Department also utilized their aerial unit to search remote areas of the county besides ground search.
Apparently still no sign of the missing man, but the investigation continues. Anyone who has information about Mr. Jasso, they can all (509)-628-0333 or the Grandview Police at 509-882-2000.
Area Sheriff's Departments have a variety of vehicles they utilize for off-road and wilderness searches, including tracked vehicles, trucks, boats, and even aerial units attached to their divisions.
For example, back on January 11, Umatilla County used their tracked off road vehicle to help rescue a man who had been hurt in a snowmobile crash. The sled landed on top of him near a US Forest Service Road in the southern mountain areas of the county.
The fully tracked 'tank like' vehicle was able to transport the man from the scene, and he was taken to an area hospital with serious injuries. But had they not had the unit, it's not likely he would have made it.
Grant County has a number of large four wheel drive trucks they use to patrol remote areas and answer calls as well.
County Sheriff's have wide variety of patrol tools
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