Better Late Than Never–Search On for Rare Stolen 3 Wheeler
Well, now is better than never. Umatilla Deputies are searching for this rare Honda 3-wheeled ATV. It was reported stolen from a residence on Diagonal Road in Hermiston.
Now, the report says it was taken sometime between last September and "now" as the Sheriff's office put it. Unless it's been repainted, should be fairly easy to spot. Although tere are a lot of them left out there, they're becoming more and more rare. Authorities did not explain why the theft took so long to discover.
Three wheelers used to be common until 1988, when their sale was (some say) banned. When the ban ran out (According to thumpertalk.com) in 1998, manufacturers, including Honda, (this one) agreed not to build or market them again.
A number of media stories, fueled by reports of accidents, branded the three wheeler as the 'most dangerous ATV available' and they pretty much went away. They were replaced by the four wheel ATV's we see today.
But on many a farm or rural residence, you can still find them puttering around. Just harder to get parts for.
Anyone who may see this rig, Umatilla Deputies say DO NOT leave comments on their Facebook, but contact the department at (541)-966-3651. Perhaps whomever took it doesn't realize just what they're 'sitting on' considering how rare they are these days.
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